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Saturday 7 April 2012

~First Post As A Blogger~

Hello, people!! 
This is my first time blogging after a while.
This was not my first blog but it was more out-dated.. xD
I hope I am treated nicely!
I might as well re-introduce myself. :]
My name's Sarah. 
I'm 15 (2012).
Chinese ,Malaysian.
My first language is English.
My other language is Malay, Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandrien, Japanese. 

That's all for now, I guess... o.o

Well, skip the boring part!! >:D

The tittle for today is....
As people know me, I LOVE TO SMILE!!!
Well, sort'ta... :]
It's enjoyable, happy, fun and you can help other's smile as well.
Walk pass a stranger, you smile. Trust me, you may help make someone's day.
 You'd never know! 
So what I want you to do is...
The minute you close this laptop, or off the computer; 
Walk out with a smile on your face!!!
Cause' a warm, calm smile helps us through so many obstacles.

Or if that lil' speech didn't work for ya' then... 
Smile for PIKACHU !!! :DD