Hello, people of the internet.
I come after 3 horrible weeks of midterms,
To spread my joy.
After learning a valuable lesson.
The Promise.
I can't promise you that...
-I'll be the perfect girl.
-I'll be the perfect friend.
-I'll be the perfect daughter.
-I'll be the perfect student.
-I'll be the perfect person.
I can promise...
-I won't let you fall.
-If you do fall, you won't be alone.
-I'll always try my best.
-Everything I do, is for others and you.
-I'll stress over every little detail or problem you have or had.
-I'll try to make you smile.
-I'll make you see a new light of day.
-I'll always listen.
-I'll be there for you.
I dislike making one walk alone.
Simply knowing that feeling is...
If I do not walk the entire journey with you,
I would still walk two paces.
Even if it means,
keeping you company.
I guess,
We should all learn from our mistakes.
And forgive those who have made mistakes.
We live in a cruel world,
Humanity in some.
Monsters in others.
I promise,
I would try to make,
At least,
The people I care for most smile,
I promise,
To protect the one's I love.
Even if it means,
Getting into trouble.
I promise,
To love and cherish the memories I make,
With the people,
I love and cherish the most.
I promise,
To always love you.
To never let you go.
Whatever it is.
I am not the perfect human being...
But I promise,
I'll try.
-Simplyy Sarah-
P.S - Gonna make a new blog soon. Two blogs.. :O Haha, one for my private mind. One for reality!! :D x