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Saturday 29 September 2012


Hey, guys...
[Or anyone who actually reads this....]
I know, my exams are coming up and I should be studying...
But I have the need to share this.

Yes, this.
This is the quote,
-I live by...
-I respect...
And Most Importantly,
-Keeps me sane.

As many of you may know, 
My "dream" was always to become an English Lecturer and major in the language, 
[Cause I'm good at it... *snickers* ]

As many of you think! 
I play the piano, guitar and ukulele for fun.
I dance for fun.
I perform for FUN.

What only a few know,
My dream has always been performing.
Be it singing or dancing.
I loved them both.

I'm not very professional in the two.
I have been told I was good at them,
Or asked if I went to classes.
In all honesty,
There are a million ZILLION other better than me.
So, I always wonder...
When I grow up,
Will I get my "dream",
Or my DREAM.

This has been kept secret for about,
As long as I could remember...

I Wanna Live My Dreams,
I Wanna Live My Life The Way I Want To. 

I. Am. Being put down.
I do have people telling me,
"It's is only a dream."
"It's all in your head."
"So, is 100000 other people in the world."
But here I am wondering,
"Don't you think I know that?!?!"
"I wanna be THAT person."

All I'm asking,
Is a chance for me to sing and laugh and smile,
For me.
This is something I want for myself...

To all you people out there!
I'll be rooting for you!
No matter what!
Although I'm just a coward that speaks behind a computer,
I'm secretly using all my 11:11 wishes, birthday wishes and any other sort of wishes...
For you people to live much better than me.

For me,
Cause I know...

I'll never get it.


P.S - This basically what I think for myself, tell me what you think?

P.P.S - For those of you who know me, 
Yes, I did post this today cause something happened. 
Yes I cut.
Not because of problems with family or friends! No, nothing like that. I'm fine with everyone.
I cut because of me... That's a different story, :]

Now to cheer you sad people -who bother -  up! :D

Oh! And just in case, 
Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to break in and steal this car?!

The Batmobile

Signing off once more [On a happier note...]

Saturday 22 September 2012

~Strangers Again~

Sorry, I haven't been posting. Life's unexpected so, sometimes, things come up.
Anyways, saw today's tittle?

Have you ever heard the term, "Strangers again" ?
Well, most of you might know it as a term after a break up.
I used it quite a few times, on both myself and my friends.

I also used it,
after a horrible argument with a close friend.

Everything was fine,
We still managed to tolerate each other,
All six of us...
Things turned bad when trust was crumpled, shattered or whatever you wanna call it.

Trust is like a mirror or a piece of paper, you know?
Well, let's save that for another day...

It was five to one,
And at last,
We became...
Strangers again.
Though the memories we shared,
Will forever be with us.
Lyrics of songs we shared and sang together,
Will go through our minds when we sing.

Everyday when we pass by,
Words won't be exchanged.
The smile on our face will fade,
and everything in our mind will be gone,
As we think of that very day.


The day we became,
"Strangers Again."