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Saturday 29 September 2012


Hey, guys...
[Or anyone who actually reads this....]
I know, my exams are coming up and I should be studying...
But I have the need to share this.

Yes, this.
This is the quote,
-I live by...
-I respect...
And Most Importantly,
-Keeps me sane.

As many of you may know, 
My "dream" was always to become an English Lecturer and major in the language, 
[Cause I'm good at it... *snickers* ]

As many of you think! 
I play the piano, guitar and ukulele for fun.
I dance for fun.
I perform for FUN.

What only a few know,
My dream has always been performing.
Be it singing or dancing.
I loved them both.

I'm not very professional in the two.
I have been told I was good at them,
Or asked if I went to classes.
In all honesty,
There are a million ZILLION other better than me.
So, I always wonder...
When I grow up,
Will I get my "dream",
Or my DREAM.

This has been kept secret for about,
As long as I could remember...

I Wanna Live My Dreams,
I Wanna Live My Life The Way I Want To. 

I. Am. Being put down.
I do have people telling me,
"It's is only a dream."
"It's all in your head."
"So, is 100000 other people in the world."
But here I am wondering,
"Don't you think I know that?!?!"
"I wanna be THAT person."

All I'm asking,
Is a chance for me to sing and laugh and smile,
For me.
This is something I want for myself...

To all you people out there!
I'll be rooting for you!
No matter what!
Although I'm just a coward that speaks behind a computer,
I'm secretly using all my 11:11 wishes, birthday wishes and any other sort of wishes...
For you people to live much better than me.

For me,
Cause I know...

I'll never get it.


P.S - This basically what I think for myself, tell me what you think?

P.P.S - For those of you who know me, 
Yes, I did post this today cause something happened. 
Yes I cut.
Not because of problems with family or friends! No, nothing like that. I'm fine with everyone.
I cut because of me... That's a different story, :]

Now to cheer you sad people -who bother -  up! :D

Oh! And just in case, 
Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to break in and steal this car?!

The Batmobile

Signing off once more [On a happier note...]

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