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Friday 26 April 2013


Heyy, guys.
So, here's an ironic topic to think over.

"We can live without religion and meditation, 
But we cannot survive without human affection..."
-Dalai Lama-

It's a strange feeling,
Isn't it?
"The heart was made to be broken." 
-Oscar Wilde -
What is love?
Why is it so important to us?
Why do people and animals crave it so much?
Why has it become a necessity in life?
How did it become the most important thing to us?
Why is it so confusing?
Why does it affect us the most?

Aren't you curious to find out these things?

I am.
I most definitely am.

Unlike most emotions,

It's not something you can easily control...

"Love is a serious mental disease..." 

When you fall in love...

The butterflies in your stomach,
The sweet sound of their voice.
Their amazing features,
Their wonderful personality.

"The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye,
The story of love is hello, goodbye." 
-Jimi Hendrix-

It's the most amazing feeling in the world;

To be loved.

When it's destroyed...
or taken away...

It's the most horrible, unimaginably painful feeling in the world.

How do we overcome it...?

"Love is like a flower - 
You've got to let it grow"  
- John Lennon- 

As far as I know...

It's all due time.

Or until someone else comes and heals you.

or even a pet...

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. 
They must be felt with the heart." 
-Helen Keller-

You know I'm right when I say,
We all want to be cuddled while watching a movie.
We all want that kiss in the rain.
We all want someone to whisper sweet nothings into our ears.
Or simplyy sing us a song to sleep.

To have someone to talk to,

To never leave your side.
To never feel alone,
Or ever need to hide.
Everything exposed to that one love,
That loves you for who you are.

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, 
While loving someone deeply gives you courage." 
-Lao Tzu-

It's not wrong to admit,

That you WANT that feeling.

We ALL do.


I believe,
We should wait till' the times right.

Then love will find us...

Instead of searching through that thick, pea soup fog....

Love will be the beacon light of that lighthouse,
That will lead you right to it.
When times right.

It may have an obstacle course of it's own,

But hey...

Anything For Love, right?


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