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Friday 2 August 2013


Heyy, guys.
I'm back.
Feels weird to be writing again but I feel the need to share something I think I've finally come to learn.
But not yet fully accomplished.


What do you
think when you see this word?
What do you
feel when you see this word?
What do you
embrace when you see this word?
We're always caught up with all the other stuff,
We fail to see the important ones.

You could relate to me...

Have you ever felt so broken?

Have thoughts like,

                         You're not worth it...

                                                               You shouldn't be here...

You're a let down...                                                        

                              You're just wasting air...

Well, let me just sum it ALL up for you.


I don't know if I'm saying this to convince myself,
But I'm sure I'm writing this to convince YOU.

Why throw away a life?

You should live it,

Dream big
Dive in.

In a long run,
You shouldn't be afraid anymore...
If you're too scared to stand up for yourself,
No one else will stand up for you.

You will be doing a favor to yourself.
I understand,
The pain and suffering.
It's something we experience in different ways but at the same time,
We still share pain.
We still have the scars.

So, grow a pair!!!

Love yourself!

Don't let yourself be a victim anymore.

I didn't.

You shouldn't.

The agony to smile everyday and pretend nothing's wrong.
To lie and pretend that everything's okay.


Go find someone,
Someone dear to you.
-A friend
-Best friends
-Loved ones

Tell them something.
Tell them anything.

You have to.
Speak Up
Speak Out
Speak Now

Don't let yourself spend sleepless nights and have endless nightmares.
God, no.

And I'm sure you will.

I hope you will.

I know you will.

One day,
I hope you'll smile and think it was all worth it.

One day,
You will be acknowledged.

But for you to do that,
Put yourself out there for once.

Make a good decision,
A decision you want,
Make the right decision.

No Regrets.

And it's okay if you fall,
We're human,
We have the capacity to know,
That if no one's going to pick us up,
We pick ourselves up,
And prove them wrong.

Just pretend you slipped on a banana peel,
And laugh.

Cause we all makes mistakes.

We tend to hurt others without meaning to do so,

So apologize,
Before it becomes a few years too late.

Make the right decisions,
Admit to the wrong ones,
Fight if you're right,
Stop if you're wrong.
So, let yourself off that safety bubble that's hanging off a cliff
And let yourself fall,
(I mean this metaphorically)

Let yourself grow a pair of wings.

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