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Sunday 13 July 2014


And as promised, I return!
And since I missed the New Year greetings and EVERY EVENT OF THE YEAR so far,
I promise to post everyday more often.
Let's get started!


I'm not just talking about any conflict here.
I'm talking about Self- Conflict.
Self conflict's the conflict you have within yourself.
And only to yourself.

This word has been running around in my mind.
And I'm wondering,
How exactly do you cure yourself of,
Self- Conflict.

Conflict is...
The constant thinking.

The constant replaying of the past.
How things could have gone.
What happened if you chose the other.
What would happen if you said something or didn't.

The constant thoughts of the future.
What's going to happen next.
What could possibly go wrong.
How would they react.
What are you suppose to do.

The constant thought of loved ones.
If they're healthy.
If they're alright.
If they're happy.
If they're sad.
If they're hiding anything.
If they care.

The constant thought of yourself.
Your weight.
Your appearance.
Your image.
Your self worth.
Your studies, work, money.

For now.
I want you to STOP.

all this thinking or over thinking.

being selfish or selfless

For once in your lifetime.
Go to someone you love
and just hug them.

Don't think of anything else.
Just call them up,
or go meet them.


Free yourself from this cage you've trap yourself in.

do not deserve this pain.

do not deserve the ugly thoughts of 'What if's'.

do not need it.

As the great Tom Hiddleston said,

"We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realise we only have one."

Everything you do.
From today,
To forever.
Do it for yourself.
For others.

Forget the past.
It is gone.

Forget the future.
You'll discover that bridge later.
By then,
it will be the present.

Forget your loved ones stubborn-ess.
Ask them
What's wrong.
Help them.

Don't keep your worries to yourself.

Forget about your self-worth.
You are perfectly fine.
Just the way you are.

Nothing is wrong.
There is never anything wrong with you.

Just people.
People can be stupid.

This post may not be as convincing as it should.
At times,
I too question
What I am doing.
Why, I do so.

I also wonder.

But I want you to know,
everyone goes through conflict.
Just like these
Be it with themselves,
or with others.
I'm not asking you to
not care.
I'm asking you to
Forget for a while.

Just a while.
Of whatever you're going through,
Of whatever that's causing you to go nuts.

Clear your mind.
So. your conflict
Doesn't affect

Because you're not alone.

You're never alone.

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