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Saturday 24 January 2015

~Pop Culture [A Poem?]~

Heyy, people reading...
This isn't exactly and advice post,
I was cleaning out my old laptop and found something interesting I thought I'd share...
It was my very first Poem,
For my High School's English Oral Exam with a couple of friends.

It's something I'm quite proud of,
For someone with no experience with Slam Poetry,
besides watching the many amazing poets on YouTube.

It was for school,
so I couldn't cuss or implicate any trigger-warnings...
Cause it's school...

I thought I'd simply share it for whoever reads my blog,
Share a lil' of my personal life...

But please,
Don't steal it?
It's tempting but this is my very own handy-work.
It looks simple and flawed but it took hours,
so... please?

Anyways, here it is.

Pop Culture

Pop Culture is also known as Popular Culture.
A phrase many of you may claim to know
but how many of you
really take the initiative to understand,
To realise, what such a culture could do
to one’s mind, one’s heart, one’s life or one’s body.

Pop Culture
also defines not only the way a person should dress up,
but also the way someone walks, speaks, drinks, eats, listens, thinks…

it also defines how he does not speak,
how he never eats,
how he never listens.
To the cries and pleas and tears and angst and regret
His purple heart makes,
His purple heart makes,
His purple heart makes...

His purple heart…
A shade he turned his own heart into
after beating it up all the time,

If you were to personify the heart into a real object,
it would look like an IPhone with a hammered screen
as though you had dropped it
from the highest floor of the tallest towers,
Again and again
and again and again,
and again...

Pop Culture
a culture that depicts so many people into thinking,
that the pretty models in the magazines
or the gorgeous actors on the big screen,
is the only way they will ever look in the mirror and like what they see.
Like what we see;
skinny and pretty,
handsome and... sexy?

As though, this culture
is evidence that the pretty people
get what they want.
What they need.

Pop Culture
a culture that has managed to wiggle its way into our society,
telling people what to do
what not to do.

Allowing people to think,
that they have the right to wake up in the morning
to convince their own shadow that      
they are something worth following.

That they have the right to wake up in the morning
to convince their own reflection that
they are something worth reflecting.

There are a couple of reasons
why this culture will be controlling the lives of society
in about three years.

Five reasons
why it's already controlling our society today.

          Contrary to popular belief,
          both girls and boys have been conformed to such a culture.

           It is already slowly convincing our society,
           that this is the way to live.
           The way we live.

            It has already unintentionally claimed the rights of the way we live,
            and we cannot decide whether we do or do not live in such a way.

             It is already slowly claiming its imaginary crown,
             and we have somehow deemed it our leader.

              It has already claimed its victims,
              and that is why now we now
              live in a world filled with

We need to stop.
We need to breathe.

                   We need to think.

People need to stop thinking
that they can never be good enough,

People need to stop thinking
that they can't be
bigger than society allows them.

They need to stop thinking
they can never be more than they could ever be.

We shouldn’t let society define us,
allow them to stop us from our own
imagination and creativity.

We have every right
to live our lives the way we want to,
live in our own skin with our own rules.

We have every right to live as we wish.

We do have the rights.

It is until you stop listening to
the whispers of judgement
and silent glares of hatred.

It is only then you can you can hear your insides scream,
“Let me out!”

Know your rights,
because you deserve to walk out in public
without hating yourself.

You deserve to walk out in public

We deserve to live without any hatred,
or judgement.

You deserve to live your own way.

So live.

And never let anything

Hold You Down.


Tell me what you think if you want?
I'd really like to know how I did. 
And remember

Be the Weirdo, you want to be.

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