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Friday 30 November 2012

~November 30th ~

November 30th
Photo: #November30th No hate people... Never... #Nohate

I wear the black ribbon.

For the rest who doesn't get it... here...

This post is dedicated to everyone,
who wears the black ribbon.
On their wrists,
and in their hearts.

This is to every person who society claims as
-Lost Hope
- Not Worthy

And so much more.

Trust me, you are never ANY of those things.

I know.

I've been through it.
I'm still going through it.
I just want it to end.

We live in a World where,
The people in it think
being judgemental isn't a crime.

Society forgets,
We're not emotionless zombies.
We're also human. 

I know.
A lot of you,
Have this smile.

I have it too.
It sucks,
It's rotten,
It's horrible,


It's brilliant.

I wore a black ribbon.
On this very day.
To show my support,
To those who have gone through this.

And so much more. 

At least try.

Finding out,
You're doing this.
It hurts.

Losing yourself,
after finally having said and done.
Just giving up.
Doing whatever people tell you to do.

Not able to be yourself,
but be molded into something society wants to see.

I only speak my mind.
Believe what you want.

But if you need just an ear to listen.
A person to say,
"I don't understand. But I'll listen. I'll Stand By You."
I'm your girl.

I wouldn't mind.
If you think you're wasting my time.
Heh, I can waste my time on lost of other things.
You are not one of them.

The Butterfly Project. 
Try it.
Do it.
For your sake.
Never mine.

Besides that.. 


You Are Loved , Care For, And So Much More.


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