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Tuesday 30 October 2012


Heyy, guys...
So heard lil' things yet?

It hurts.

Knowing they never care.

Knowing they look at your siblings more.

Knowing you never know how to gain that feeling.

It hurts.

The song Little Things by One Direction was brought up;
Cause it hurts for me to listen to it.

I love the song, 
because it's true.
I hate the song,
because it hurts to think...

I feel like I'm wasting oxygen!

It's upsetting,
You put A and B,
Make them do the same thing.

A gets more praise,
Than B.
All because...?

Well, only God knows that answer.
So, now B's feeling,

B puts a smile on her face,
But inside,
She just gained a deep cut.
And it hurts.

Everyone feels unwanted sometimes,
I may sound desperate and I do,
However, if you know me,
You'd know...
You have never heard these things from me,
Until you find this blog and read it.

No one reads this.
That's why I release everything here.
No one bothers,

So why should you?


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